U-shape Sponge Rubber Extrusion Profile

U-shape Sponge Rubber Extrusion Profile


Sponge rubber sealing strip has high chemical stability and its aging resistance is the best. Its aging resistance is reflected in three aspects, one is ozone resistance, the other is weather resistance, and it can be used for long-term in sunlight and humidity. It is used in cold natural environment. The third is heat resistance. Generally, rubber is rapidly degraded and hardened under the action of high temperature. However, EPDM can prolong the service life.


Has good elasticity.

It is quick and easy to install onto the door bottom to reduce noise, light and air movement.

Hardness:10-40 shore A

Density:sponge rubber 0.3~0.9g/cm3.

perfect long -term anti-aging properties compare than other material.